The shale intervals of the Massive Sand Member of the Early Cretaceous Lower Goru Formation were selected for geochemical analysis in the southern Indus Basin, particularly the Thar Platform area of Pakistan. The formation was evaluated for organic matter quantity, quality, and maturity to determine the petroleum generation potential using TOC and Rock-Eval Pyrolysis measurements. The studied samples contain TOC ranging from 0.57- 3.35 wt.%, indicating fair to very good source rock potential. The analyzed samples have hydrogen index values ranging from 78 to 298 mg HC/g TOC, indicating mainly terrestrial organic matter input with kerogen type-III along with minor kerogen type-II/III. The Tmax values range from 426 to 439°C, along with calculated VRo values of 0.51-0.74% which exhibits an immature to early mature status for this formation. Based on the analysis, some shale intervals contain mature organic matter for mainly gas generation, but commercial amounts of gas have not yet been generated at the current maturity level. The present study investigates the petroleum generation potential and suggests the shale intervals of the Massive Sand Member of Lower Goru Formation as a secondary target (at more depth) after the Sembar Formation in the southern Indus Basin, Pakistan.
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