Lockhart Limestone, Aggregate, South Eastern HazaraAbstract
This study was carried out to investigate the limestone of Paleocene Lockhart Formation of Kohala Bala Section for its suitability as a construction aggregate for roads and civil structure with the help of geological laboratory testing. The results of laboratory engineering tests of all studied sample lie within the tolerable range of all standard engineering parameters i.e. the Loss Angles Abrasion (21.75%), Aggregate Impact Value (14.39%), Crushing Value (14.4%), Soundness (0.827%), Specific gravity (2.647), Water Absorption (0.626), Elongation value (6.9%), Flakiness value (9.4%), coating of bitumen (>95%), and striping (<5%). Based on Petrographic studies, the Lockhart Limestone’s aggregate vulnerability toward Alkali Silica Reaction (ASR) and Alkali Carbonate Reaction (ACR) has been estimated to be very less or almost negligible. The average percentage of dolomite mineral was less than 2% and quartz was up to 1%.The amount of quartz and dolomite shows that the aggregate of Lockhart Limestone will not be favoring Alkali Silica Reaction and Alkali Carbonate Reaction respectively with ordinary Portland cement. Therefore, the results of these Laboratory and engineering tests of Paleocene Lockhart Limestone strongly suggest its suitability as a potential aggregate for asphalt and cement concrete.
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