Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences <div class="summary-content"> <p style="text-align: justify;">Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences (BURJES) is an open-access research journal. The Higher Education Commission (HEC) has recognized BURJES as Y-Category Journal and listed it in HJRS Database. BURJES has been published since June 2016, under the guidelines of the HEC (Pakistan) cloned with other International Indexing/Abstracting agencies and relevant platforms including DOAJ, Google Scholar, ISSN, Web of Science, ORCID, and PASTIC.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">Under the theme of Bahria University “Discover the Knowledge”, BURJES provides a worthy platform for researchers with an aim to "Explore the Earth" under multi-dimensional aspects of Earth &amp; Environmental Sciences, such as: </p> <ul style="text-align: justify;"> <li>Earth Sciences (Geology, Geophysics, Geochemistry, Earth Resources, Marine Resources, Geohazards, Remote Sensing &amp; GIS, etc.)</li> <li>Environmental Sciences (Alternate Energy, Environmental Monitoring, Climate Change, Waste Management, Groundwater, EIA, etc.)</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>ISSN: 2415-2234</strong></p> <p><strong>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------</strong></p> </div> Earth & Environmental Sciences, BUKC en-US Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2415-2234 Impact of Trade, GDP growth and Natural Resources on Carbon Emissions in Pakistan: A quantitative study <p><em>Anthropogenic activities are responsible for 95% global climate change resulting from </em><em>Greenhouse gasses (</em><em>GHG</em><em>)</em><em> emissions due to dependence on fossil fuels.</em><em> Therefore, sustainability threats are increasing.</em> <em>Also, in Pakistan, these </em><em>threats</em><em> are increasing due</em> <em>t</em><em>o</em><em> several factors like Trade and </em><em>economic</em> <em>growth </em><em>which may lead to environmental threats. </em><em>To address th</em><em>ese </em><em>concern</em><em>s</em><em>, this study examines</em> <em>natural resources, </em><em>trade</em><em>, and economic growth as</em><em> indicators and the environmental impacts of CO<sub>2</sub> emissions on the GDP growth of Pakistan<span style="text-decoration: line-through;">.</span> Data and information on Pakistan’s economic growth and CO<sub>2</sub> emissions were collated and analyzed for a period of over three decades. The results indicate a positive relationship between Trade, GDP and carbon dioxide emission. Evidence also suggests that harnessing of Pakistan’s natural resources (that are primarily non-carbon based), have no tangible impact on Carbon Emission. Hence, it is suggested to go for environment friendly trade policies for long-term sustainable economic growth. </em></p> Maha Batool Dr Shahid Amjad Copyright (c) 2022 Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2023-01-22 2023-01-22 7 THE ESTIMATION OF STRESS DROP OF MAJOR EARTHQUAKES IN NORTHWEST HIMALAYAN FOLD AND THRUST BELT AND MAKRAN SUBDUCTION ZONE <p>Northwest Himalayan Fold and Thrust Belt and Makran Subduction Zone are the most active seismo-tectonic features in South Asia. Significant seismic events of magnitude <em>M<sub>w</sub>≥6.0</em> with focal depth upto 300 km were considered. The magnitude of both static&nbsp;(Ds<sub>1</sub>) and dynamic (Ds<sub>2</sub>) stress drops were obtained using in-situ source parameters and empirically ground motion derived relationships. The analysis reveals that in strike-slip faulting Ds<sub>1</sub> is an increasing function of magnitude whereas Ds<sub>2</sub> is a decreasing function of magnitude. These results are in accordance with the previous published studies. The results indicate that Ds<sub>2</sub> values decrease nonlinearly with increase in rupture width and surface rupture length. This decrease is very sharp in shallow depth up to 15 km depth after which an increasing trend in the dynamic stress drop is observed. This depth perhaps indicates to the brittle-ductile boundary in the lithosphere. This trend is more pronounced in reverse and strike-slip faults. The mean Ds<sub>2</sub> / Ds<sub>1</sub> is 18.4, 10.4 and 3.1 for strike-slip, reverse, and normal fault mechanisms, respectively. The rate of drop in Ds<sub>2</sub> in the strike-slip faulting is higher than other fault types which inferred the presence of transform boundaries. These results may lead to designed a forecast model on empirical ground motion parameters</p> Shahzada Khurram DR. PERVEIZ KHALID Copyright (c) 2022 Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2023-01-03 2023-01-03 7 A Statistical Modeling for spatial-temporal variability analysis of solar energy with respect to the climate in the Punjab Region <p>The purpose of this study was to assess the Spatio-Temporal effects of changing solar radiation on climate. Climate change in the world has gained public attention because it is one of the most important aspects of human survival. One particular climatic impact of changing solar insolation that has been overlooked by most researchers is the change in the atmosphere's carbon dioxide holding capacity. Changes in biochemical cycles and climate on a global, regional, and local scale have resulted from this change. The main goal of this study is to measure solar and climatic variability trends in the study area over the time period of 1990 to 2018. Making a connection between these factors has always been overlooked in Pakistan. To measure the relationship between variables, ordinary least squares methods were applied to solar variables and climatic variables for the regions of Bahawalpur, Islamabad, and Lahore. In the study area, a linear relationship was discovered between climatic variables and solar variables. The relationship between solar insolation and climatic variables (maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and precipitation) can be clearly observed using statistical analysis.</p> Dania Amjad Sahar Mirza Danish Raza Faiza Sarwar Sumaira Kausar Copyright (c) 2022 Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2023-01-21 2023-01-21 7 STRUCTURAL REFINEMENT OF THE SOUTHERN KOHAT BASIN AND ADJOINING AREAS: IMPLICATIONS FOR HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL OF THE KOHAT BASIN, PAKISTAN <p>This research work constitutes southern part of the Himalayan Foreland Basin which is one of the largest and dynamic terrestrial basins. The tectono-stratigraphic architecture of the foreland basin has been well understood because of detailed mapping The research area's stratigraphy comprises of Cenozoic platform sedimentary rocks that are unconformably overlain by Plio-Pleistocene Siwalik Group deposits. Structural studies of the major part of Kohat basin have been undertaken by various researchers in an attempt to understand the Himalayan induced deformation and kinematics of the region. However, the southern Kohat Basin remains less understood, due to the non-availability of vintage seismic and well data for research. The surface structural style within the Kohat Basin is disharmonic below the Eocene package characterized by a south directed imbricate thrust system emanating from the regional basal decollement and associated fault propagation/bend folding. The structural geometry nicely translates into the older units and is constrained by the idealized fault propagation folding model. It includes a series of south-verging imbricate thrust faults originating from the regional basal dectachment. Blind back thrusts are commonly associated with the major fore thrusts. The entire tectonic slab of the study area is exposed along the Surghar Fault uplifting rocks as old as the Permian along the range front. Geo-seismic and geological transects coupled with structural modelling have enabled to work out 35% shortening induced by the compressional stresses. These shortening estimates and the variable structural style further led to an understanding that the basal decollement underneath the Kohat Basin may not be located in the Precambrian Salt. The lack of salt may be a reason for the more internal deformation of the Kohat Basin as greater shear resistance was provided due to the involvement of brittle rocks in the horizontal translation of the Kohat tectonic slab above crystalline basement as compared to that of the Karak Trough region. This study has further enabled that the vicinity of Karak Fault Zone is the area where promising structural traps at top Lockhart level are predicted which is a proven reservoir in Kohat Basin.</p> Nazir Ur Rehman Sajjad Ahmed Shah Faisal Shuja Ullah M Waqar Azeem Afra Siab Rizwan Ullah Kamran Shehzad Salik Javed Jabir Nazir Copyright (c) 2022 Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2022-03-09 2022-03-09 7 8 19 GLOBAL IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON ENVIRONMENT AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING DURING LOCKDOWN <p>The pandemic&nbsp;of&nbsp;COVID-19 resulted in widespread death and economic devastation. To mitigate the effects of COVID-19, measures such as border closures limitations on travel, social activities, attendance at places of worship and closure of educational institutes were implemented. This sudden restriction on all the social activities had a grave impact on environment as well as psychological well-being of general masses. A quick review was carried out to carefully analyze, summarize, and critically evaluate the existing information on the association between environmental anxiety and psychological repercussions. The&nbsp;literature search was conducted from Science Direct, Google Scholar, Wiley online and Scopus peer reviewed journals.&nbsp;This study emphasis&nbsp;psychological influence and environmental anxiety&nbsp;due to COVID-19. Based on the literature of 55 published studies, clusters namely environmental impact after lockdown, global impact on environment, psychological well-being due to lockdown and provision of mental health services during the lockdown were identified to critically evaluate the global effects of lock down. &nbsp;</p> Saira Ashraf Muhammad Imran Ambreen Fatima Faiza Batool Tayyaba Safdar Jim Nelson Copyright (c) 2022 Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2022-03-09 2022-03-09 7 1 7 GIS BASED STUDY OF HEAVY METAL CONCENTRATION IN SOIL OF BADIN DISTRICT, SINDH, PAKISTAN <p>The study on the heavy metal concentrations resulting in generating the GIS based maps for the soil at various locations in the Badin district of Sindh, Pakistan was conducted. Twenty soil samples were collected at different scale from study area. samples were analyzed for Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Copper (Cu), Lead (Pb), Zinc (Zn), and Cobalt (Co) concentrations, and then results were plotted on maps using ArcGIS. For data interpretation and raster map creation, the Spatial Analyst Tool in ArcGIS 10.5 desktop software was used. The soil data conceded that contamination of all selected metals is showing high concentration except chromium in study area. The source of contamination in study area could be industrial activities, agricultural and domestic waste, The higher concentration of the reported heavy metals in the soil affect the agriculture sector in particular and whole the ecosystem in general.prior to carry the agricultural activities in the region selective crops be determined that could bring balance to these contaminants in the soil as well as the measures be taken to control the contamination sources such as industrial and municipal waste management and prior to immediate action should be taken to keep a balance in the Eco-biodiversity. &nbsp;</p> Muhammad Afzal Jamali AKHTER HUSSAIN Markhand Dillep Kumar Muhammad Hassan Agheem Asfand Yar Wali Arain Copyright (c) 2022 Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences 2022-03-14 2022-03-14 7 20 25